Fogging Security System

Why protect your home or enterprise?


Thinking about the side effects of any attempt of theft in your house or in your property, we can easily see what it causes from both economic and psychological difficulties.
Economically, the lack of security and the increased fear of being robbed again can cause many traders to close their business, leading to a noticeable recession in the economy. To protect yourselves and your own property is very essential to secure serenity and increase confidence in the future, work with more trust and drive to success.
At Al-Shaheen Safety and Security Systems we understand the value of being well protected, and we work to provide our clients with the latest and most efficient products. The security fogging system for an ultimate protection!.


Block thieves in few seconds!! Only with the Innovative Fog System

With the fast response of the security fogging system, a crime can be controlled in few minutes. ‎

Believe it or not, only 15 minutes are enough to finish a professional wrap. What security fogging ‎system do is preventing the seeing in few seconds once alarm is active, that will ideally block ‎thieves in their place for long time enough to catch them, and thus it will protect your property. ‎Being in a fog will prevent thieves from stealing, because simply they can`t steal If they can`t see. ‎


Call, or Email us for more details!‎



Why fogging systems are the best choice?‎


It remains for longer time.‎
It`s 100% safe and doesn’t leave any residue.‎
It blocks thieves and wastes their time till police arrive.‎
Active in few seconds and fills the protected area with fog completely.‎


What are the associated advantages with installing UR Fog systems?‎


Having rapid generators, the Fog systems are able to start in few seconds and fill the entire space, ‎so thieves can’t really see anything there totally. That`s why it`s the best choice to prevent a ‎robbery attempt. While with standard alarm systems you can only be warned of an attempt, but ‎you cannot avoid or prevent it. ‎

Using the security fogging system we guarantee to stay protected for at least the first 15 minutes, ‎which are enough for the police or security guards to arrive. Fog systems gives you a great chance ‎to protect your property. ‎


Some applications include:‎


Enterprises, etc..‎


Call, or Email us for more details!‎





Almurqab, Abduallah Almubark St., Deema Tower, Mazanine Floor, Kuwait
Phone: 0096522405145
Mobile: 0096551434580
P.O BOX: 23051 safat, 13091 kuwait


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Al Kebla, Piece 11, St. 55, Floor 16, Elite Tower, Kuwait
Phone: 0096522405145
Mobile: 0096551434580
P.O BOX: 23051 safat, 13091 kuwait


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